Tony used to jog 0.95 kilometers every morning. one day, it rained, so he jog only 0.75 kilometer. What part of his regular jogging distance did he jog?

percentjogging= .75/.95 * 100 percent

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No problem! It's important to remember that the subject box is meant to indicate the topic of your question, rather than specifying individual users. Let's move on to your question:

To determine what part of his regular jogging distance Tony jogged, you need to calculate the ratio of the distance he jogged on the rainy day (0.75 kilometers) to his regular jogging distance (0.95 kilometers).

You can find this ratio by dividing the distance jogged on the rainy day by the regular jogging distance and then multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

So the calculation would be:

percentjogging = (0.75 / 0.95) * 100 percent

Simplifying the calculation, you get:

percentjogging = 0.7895 * 100 percent

This equals approximately 78.95 percent.

Therefore, Tony jogged approximately 78.95 percent of his regular jogging distance on the rainy day.