The Jewish legal code came partially from what civilization?

Possibly from the Code of Hammurabi:

Hammurabi was the ruler of Babylon. If you look on a map of the Middle East, you should easily find Babylon:

Now ... what civilization was that, and what is the name of the current country as we know it?


who Joe?

*wink* *wink*

The Jewish legal code, known as the Torah or the Law of Moses, has been influenced by various civilizations throughout history. One significant influence on Jewish law is the Code of Hammurabi, which was created by Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon, around 1754 BCE.

To find information about the Code of Hammurabi, you can start by conducting a Google search using keywords such as "Code of Hammurabi." This search will provide you with various sources, articles, or books that discuss the code and its significance.

If you want to learn more about Babylon and its location, you can search for a map of the Middle East and locate Babylon on it. Encarta, an online encyclopedia, provides a map of Babylon (the ancient city) that you can use to identify its location.

Babylon was an ancient city and civilization located in what is now modern-day Iraq. So, the civilization that partially influenced the Jewish legal code was the Babylonian civilization, and the current country where Babylon is located is Iraq.

The Code of Hammurabi was indeed influential in the development of Jewish law. It originated from the ancient Mesopotamian civilization, specifically from the civilization of Babylon. Babylon was located in what is now modern-day Iraq.