Do artificial sweeteners have any bad side effects?


Read it all here, this article goes over the weakensses of the sweeterners.

Artificial sweeteners have no bad side effects, except for a very small minority of people who have a specific genetic disease (see last site below).

I searched for the most authoritative and unbiased sites (American Heart Association, American Chemical Society, Food and Drug Administration, Purdue University, and the University of Wisconsin) and all agree that artificial sweeteners are harmless to almost everyone.

(Broken Link Removed)

Whether artifical sweetners are safe or not has been the subject of hot debates for many years. The debate continues today. Pros for avoiding the sweetners have tons and tons of evidence, much of it anecdotal; likewise, advocates of artificial sweetners have similar evidence. The Internet is filled with a lot of good information (both pro and con) but much (most?) of it is trash. Anyone can post on the Internet and say whatever they wish. Your job, as a consumer, is to read (slog) through this material and come to an opinion. As you do this keep in mind that you want to see hard evidence from studies that support one view or the other. Many of the articles are written by reporters who have little or no technical training and their articles are little more than a facade of words. Most reporters try to write without taking sides but most reports they write (I think) are biased one way or the other. And of course some reports are sensationalized in order to sell. I suppose it would take a book, and one may have been written by now, to adequately discuss the pro reports and the con reports, and come to a scientific opinion. I think that is what the FDA is supposed to do. Also, I think the FDA does the best job it can, under the circumstances, but it is a federal agency and politics creeps in there ,too, as it does in most federal agencies. But that is another debate. I have tried to write this as neutrally as possible, neither advocating nor opposing the use of artificial sweetners. I hope I have succeeded.

According to the information provided, there is conflicting information and debates surrounding the potential side effects of artificial sweeteners. Some sources, like the American Heart Association, American Chemical Society, Food and Drug Administration, Purdue University, and the University of Wisconsin, state that artificial sweeteners are harmless to almost everyone. On the other hand, there are proponents who argue against the use of artificial sweeteners, with anecdotal evidence and concerns about their potential negative effects. The internet is filled with information from various sources, some of which may be biased or sensationalized. As a consumer, it is important to sift through this information and look for hard evidence from studies that support different viewpoints. Ultimately, it might be necessary to consult a book or multiple sources to come to a more informed scientific opinion. However, it is important to note that this response does not advocate for or oppose the use of artificial sweeteners; instead, it emphasizes the need for research and critical evaluation of available information.