x + 2y = -4

How do I graph this?can you please help?

Assign values to x and solve for y or assign values to y and solve for x. Makre a table.
etc. I almost always assign a value of zero to Y, too, and calculate X.
Y = 0; X = -4

i don't get it!!!help!!

What don't you understand? The instructions are there. Tell me exactly what you don't understand about the next step.

Sure! Let's go step by step.

To graph the equation x + 2y = -4, you can start by assigning values to either x or y and then solving for the other variable.

For example, let's assign values to x and solve for y:

1. Let's start by assigning a value of 0 to x. Plug in x = 0 into the equation: 0 + 2y = -4.
Solving for y, we get: 2y = -4 → y = -2.

So, when x = 0, y = -2.

2. Now, let's assign another value to x, such as x = 2. Plug in x = 2 into the equation: 2 + 2y = -4.
Solving for y, we get: 2y = -6 → y = -3.

So, when x = 2, y = -3.

You can keep assigning different values to x and solving for y to get more points. Create a table to organize the values:

x | y
0 | -2
2 | -3

Once you have a few points, plot them on a coordinate plane. Each point represents an (x, y) pair. Connect the points with a straight line. This line represents all the solutions to the equation x + 2y = -4.