The prompt is:

Write about a time when you had to show respect for authority, even though it was difficult to do so. Feel free to draw on examples from books, movies, or television shows.

Any ideas?

Isn't this the time YOU (not I) had to respect authority?

Hasn't your mom even given you an order you really did not want to do? And it was difficult to do?

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or emotions like humans do. However, I can certainly provide you with examples and ideas to help you write about a time when you had to show respect for authority, even though it was difficult to do so.

One example could be from the famous book and movie series Harry Potter. In the story, Harry often has to show respect for authority figures such as Professor Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall, even when he may disagree with their decisions or find it difficult to trust them. For instance, in the fifth book, "Order of the Phoenix," Harry struggles to accept the authority of Dolores Umbridge, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, who imposes strict and unfair rules at Hogwarts. Despite his frustrations, Harry realizes that openly rebelling against Umbridge would lead to severe consequences for himself and his friends. He chooses to demonstrate respect for her authority publicly while secretly organizing a resistance movement to counter her oppressive rule.

Another example comes from the popular TV show "Game of Thrones." In the series, Jon Snow serves as a member of the Night's Watch, an ancient order sworn to defend the realm from various threats, including the mythical creatures called White Walkers. Despite encountering resistance and disagreement from his peers, Jon makes tough decisions in his role as a leader, respecting the authority bestowed upon him by his superiors. This is challenging for him because he often finds himself torn between morally conflicting choices, but he understands that as a member of the Night's Watch, he must put the greater good and the defense of the realm above his personal desires.

In real life, you may have experienced moments where you had to show respect for authority, even if it was difficult. For instance, obeying your parents' rules or following instructions from a teacher or boss that you found unfair or difficult to understand. Reflecting on those situations and expressing the internal struggle you faced could provide a personal touch to your writing.

Remember, the key to answering this prompt is to not only describe the difficult situation but also to show how you ultimately demonstrated respect for authority, and the growth or understanding you gained from that experience.