I need help with week number 6, the question about bullfrogs. I got the first part but I still don't have how far away you can hear them. I also need help with the comic question about Leif Erickson. Thanks!

Please repost with the specific questions, so we can try to help you. We can't help to answer questions, if we don't know what they are.

I hope this helps a little. Thanks for asking.

Here is the question, The Wonders of American stamp series informs us the American bullfrog is the largest frog,and perhaps the loudest. Their bodies grow to what size?___inches. Their calls can be heard how far away ____miles. I got the answer to the first part.. 6inches but I still can't find how far away you can hear them. I even went to a sight that had all of the wonders of america stamps. The stamp didn't even tell me the answer! Please help!


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A sweet tooth might cause them to stop at what mountain? chocolate mountain

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To find the distance that the calls of American bullfrogs can be heard, you will need to gather information from reliable sources or conduct research. One option is to refer to scientific studies or articles related to bullfrogs or animal behavior. For instance, you could explore research papers from reputable scientific journals or check with environmental and wildlife organizations that study amphibians.

Another approach is to use reliable online sources related to bullfrogs and their vocalizations. Make sure to consult reputable websites such as those of universities, government agencies, or renowned wildlife organizations that provide accurate information.

When searching for this specific information, you could try using search keywords such as "American bullfrog vocalization range" or "how far can you hear American bullfrogs." Be sure to evaluate the credibility of the sources you find by checking the author's credentials, the website's reputation, and any references or citations provided.

Regarding the second question about Leif Erikson in a comic, it would be helpful if you could provide more details or context about the specific comic or comic strip you are referring to. This will enable us to assist you better in finding the answer or understanding the content.