3x(a-5)=6 What is the value of a ?

is x multiplication or variable



I hope this helps. I am not 100% sure this is right.

Or it can be expressed as:
3 x (a-5) = 6
(3 * a ) - (3 x 5) = 6
3a - 15 = 6
3a = 15 + 6 = 21.
a = 21 / 3 = 7

To verify the answer:

3 x (7-5) = 6
3 x 2 = 6.

3 x (a-5)=6
(a-5) = 6/3 = 2
a = 2 + 5 = 7

I don't understand that......can you explain?

3 x (7-5) =6
7-5) =6/3 =2
7 = 2+5 = 7

3x(a-5)=6 If multiplication as you state, then,
Multiply by 3 on the left side to clear the parentheses.
Then move the -15 to the other side, changing the sign in the process.
3a = 6+15.
Combine terms on the right.
3a = 21
Divide both sides by 3
3a/3 = 21/3
a = 7. Now check the answer of 7 by putting it into the orginal equation.
The answer of a = 7 checks.

oops, I did not change the negitive to positive. That's for correcting me.

i need help on order of operations

Do all operations inside the parentheses first.
Next, do any work with exponents or radicals.
Do all multiplication and addition from left to right.
Finally do all addition and subtraction from left to right

To solve the equation 3x(a-5)=6, we need to isolate the variable a.

First, we can distribute the 3 to the terms inside the parentheses: 3*(a-5) = 6.

This gives us: 3a - 15 = 6.

Next, we can move the constant term (-15) to the other side of the equation by adding 15 to both sides: 3a - 15 + 15 = 6 + 15.

Simplifying further, we have: 3a = 21.

To isolate the variable a, we divide both sides of the equation by 3: 3a/3 = 21/3.

This simplifies to: a = 7.

Therefore, the value of a is 7.

You can verify this by substituting a = 7 back into the original equation: 3x(7-5) = 6. Solving this equation gives you 6 = 6, confirming that a = 7 is the correct solution.

Make sure to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS) when solving such equations, which includes dealing with parentheses first, then exponents, multiplication/division (from left to right), and finally addition/subtraction (from left to right) to solve the equation step by step.