In the novel; Twelfth Night

A quote is stated:

"And thus a whiligig if time brings in his revenges"

I am to write an essay on this. I have put some ideas together, yet I am unable to create an intro. Could you help by giving me a few hints on how to start an essay revolving around the truth of that quote.

You might start the essay with a statement synthesizing that quote... and then give examples of how "with time" the truth has come out, people have been found out, ideas have come to fruition which had perviously not been considered valid. Put "quotes, truth, time" into Google. There are several quotes there that you might use.

So what is the meaning of the quote,"And thus the whirligig of time bings in his revenges." In your own words.

Simply that means with time, truth comes out.

Thank you

Still confused on how to start it. By adding differnt quotes, will that not divert the essay from the main quote that we are focussing on?

I understand your concern. Adding different quotes may indeed divert the essay from the main quote you are focusing on. However, using related quotes can help provide context and support for your interpretation of the main quote.

To start your essay, you can consider the following suggestions:

1. Begin with an attention-grabbing introduction that introduces the quote and its significance. You can start by explaining that "Twelfth Night" is a play by William Shakespeare and mention the character or context in which this quote appears.

2. Present a brief summary of the plot or theme of "Twelfth Night" to provide some background for the discussion of the quote. This will give the readers a context to understand the importance of the quote.

3. Introduce the quote explicitly by attributing it to a particular character or scene. Clearly state the literal meaning of the quote, which is about how time brings about revenge. You can mention that this is a thought-provoking line that raises questions about the nature of time and its role in revealing truths.

4. Transition to your interpretation of the quote. Explain that you will be exploring the deeper meaning of the quote and its implications. Emphasize that despite its initial focus on revenge, the quote is ultimately about the revealing of truth over time.

5. Provide a thesis statement that expresses your main argument or stance regarding the quote. This statement should reflect your interpretation of the quote and give a preview of the main points you will be discussing in the essay.

Remember, the introduction should serve as a roadmap for your essay and set the tone for the rest of your paper. It should be clear, concise, and engaging. Good luck with your essay!