how do i write out the notes of the e minor triad

The Triad would be E, G, B. Think of the below as a staff.

___________________ B
___________________ G
___________________ E

To write out the notes of the E minor triad, you need to start with the root note, which is E. Next, you need to find the third and fifth notes of the E minor scale, which are G and B respectively.

To find the notes of any triad, you can start by determining the root note. In this case, the root note is E. From there, you can use the formula for a minor triad, which is root (E), minor third (G), and perfect fifth (B).

To find the minor third, you can count three semitones (or three consecutive keys on a piano) above the root note of E. This will give you G.

To find the perfect fifth, you can count seven semitones above the root note of E, giving you B.

So, the notes of the E minor triad are E, G, and B.