How do i find total displacement in in^3/min if i have the bore and stroke and and rpm and number of cylinder. i can calculate piston and engine displacement and compression ratios but just not sure about TOTAL displacement and the rpms?

To find the total displacement in in^3/min, you need to consider the bore, stroke, RPM, and number of cylinders. Here's how you can calculate it step by step:

1. Calculate the piston displacement:
- The piston displacement is the volume swept by a single piston during one stroke.
- It is calculated by multiplying the area of the bore (cross-sectional area of the cylinder) by the stroke length.
- Use the formula: Piston Displacement = (π/4) * (Bore^2) * Stroke, where π is a constant (approximately 3.14159).

2. Calculate the engine displacement:
- The engine displacement is the total volume displaced by all the cylinders of an engine during one revolution.
- It is calculated by multiplying the piston displacement by the number of cylinders.
- Use the formula: Engine Displacement = Piston Displacement * Number of Cylinders.

3. Calculate the total displacement per minute:
- Multiply the engine displacement by the RPM (revolutions per minute) to get the total displacement per minute.
- Use the formula: Total Displacement in in^3/min = Engine Displacement * RPM.

By following these steps and plugging in the values for your specific engine (bore, stroke, RPM, number of cylinders), you will find the total displacement in in^3/min.