solve for x


have all terms with x on one side
take x as common factor
now solve for x

25a^2 - 9b^4

can u please help me solve and check these equations

To solve for x in the equation ac + x = xy, follow these steps:

1. Move all terms with x to one side of the equation: Start with ac + x = xy and subtract x from both sides: ac + x - x = xy - x. This simplifies to ac = xy - x.

2. Take x as a common factor: Factor out x from the right side of the equation. This gives you ac = x(y - 1).

3. Solve for x: Divide both sides of the equation by (y - 1) to isolate x. The equation becomes:

x = ac / (y - 1).

Now, let's move on to the second equation:

25a^2 - 9b^4.

This expression seems to be a polynomial, but it is not an equation. Therefore, we cannot technically "solve" it. Instead, we can simplify or evaluate the expression.

If you want to simplify it further, you can consider if any factor can be common in both terms. In this case, there are no common factors, so we cannot simplify it any further.

If you want to evaluate the expression, you need to have specific values for the variables a and b. By substituting those values into the expression, you can calculate the result.