places that have the same, or common, characteristics ar referred to as....

shires, traits, regions, or provinces?


To determine the correct answer, it is important to understand the meanings of each of the terms listed: shires, traits, regions, and provinces.

1. Shires: This term refers to the historical administrative divisions in some countries, such as England, Australia, and New Zealand. Shires are usually smaller areas within a larger administrative region and are not necessarily based on common characteristics.

2. Traits: Traits are distinguishing qualities or characteristics that individuals or things possess. While places may have common traits, the term itself does not describe a collection of places.

3. Regions: This is the correct term in this context. Regions typically refer to areas with common characteristics, such as geographical features, cultural practices, economic activities, or political boundaries. Regions can be defined at various scales, ranging from local to global levels.

4. Provinces: This term usually indicates administrative divisions within a country. Provinces are similar to states or territories and can have varying characteristics. However, the term does not necessarily imply common characteristics among the provinces themselves.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question "Places that have the same or common characteristics are referred to as..." is regions.