why was the discovery of the rosetta stone important

Before the Rosetta Stone was found in 1799, no one could read ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. But the Rosetta Stone had the same document in Greek and demotic. Scholars could understand the Greek writing, so were able to finally figure out what the hieroglyphics said.

Check these sites for more information.



The discovery of the Rosetta Stone was important because it provided the key to understanding ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Here's how you can find more information on the topic:

1. Visit the website "Ancient Egypt: The Story of Hieroglyphs" (http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/writing/rosetta.html). This website offers a detailed explanation of the Rosetta Stone and its significance in deciphering hieroglyphics.

2. Another useful resource is the British Museum's website. Specifically, go to the page titled "The Rosetta Stone" (http://www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk/compass/ixbin/goto?id=OBJ67). This page provides information about the discovery, inscription, and impact of the Rosetta Stone in the field of Egyptology.