round 25 to the nearest hundred

Do you mean hundred as in 100? If so, 25 is closer to zero than it is to 100. So I would round numbers like 51 and 60 to 100 while 25 or 35 would be rounded to zero.

If you mean hundred as in 100, then you would round 25 to 0, because technically, 0 counts as a 100's place. It counts because your'e counting by 100's and 100-100=0

thank you!

i thought so thank you!

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help clarify the concept of rounding to the nearest hundred. Remember that when rounding to the nearest hundred, you are essentially rounding to the nearest multiple of 100. In the case of the number 25, since it is closer to zero than it is to 100, it would be rounded down to the nearest hundred, which is 0. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!