The US legal and political system have been greatly influenced by the the thinkers of the Enlightenment era. What are the impact of at least three Enlightment thinkers on modern times?

If you have a specific question about the research you have to do, please ask, otherwise we will be happy to critique your thinking or work.

Besides checking in your textbook, it looks as if what you need to do is learn how to conduct thorough and effective searches for yourself. That's what research is, and I'm sure that's what your teacher expects you to do -- conduct research.
At this webpage, you can go immediately to the search sites (first three columns across the top) -- or even better you can scroll down until you see the section called HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET. Those are the links to start with. You'll not only learn how to come up with good search terms, but also how to evaluate the webpages you get as results. Some will be good and others will be garbage. You need to know how to tell the difference.

My favorite way to search is to go to Google's advanced search page and put my search words or phrases into the first or second search box (either "all the words" or "exact phrase"). However, there many other strategies for searching you can use, and the HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET section will help you best.

I'm posting this message to you in the spirit of this: If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day; if you teach a man to fish, he will eat for his lifetime.

Happy searching!


To answer your question about the impact of Enlightenment thinkers on the US legal and political system, you can start by conducting thorough research on the topic. Here are some steps you can follow to conduct effective research:

1. Start by brainstorming a list of Enlightenment thinkers who had an impact on the US legal and political system. A few examples include John Locke, Montesquieu, and Thomas Jefferson.

2. Once you have a list of thinkers, use search engines like Google to find reliable sources that discuss the influence of these thinkers on the US legal and political system. You can use search terms like "Enlightenment thinkers influence on US legal system" or "impact of Enlightenment thinkers on US politics".

3. Check reliable online resources such as academic journals, government websites, or reputable news sources for articles or studies that discuss the influence of Enlightenment thinkers on the US legal and political system.

4. Read the articles or studies you find and take notes on the key points and evidence supporting the influence of Enlightenment thinkers. Look for specific examples or arguments made by the authors.

5. Analyze the information you have gathered and identify at least three impacts of Enlightenment thinkers on the modern US legal and political system. This could include ideas like the separation of powers, the concept of natural rights, or the promotion of democratic ideals.

Remember to properly cite your sources when using information from other authors and to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of the sources you find. Conducting thorough research will help you develop a well-rounded understanding of the topic and provide you with the necessary information to answer your question.