Drug use is kept private and employers have a right to know about it in some cases. What do you think? Do you agree with me or no?

"Drug use is kept private and employers have a right to know about it in some cases."
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here. I would agree that employers have a right to know what their employees are doing on the employer's premises. In other cases they probably have the right to know what their employees are doing regardless of where they are. Most professional sports have a zero tolerance policy for drug use. Some other professions have such policies too.
I'm not sure what to agree or disagree with.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs, but I can explain the different perspectives on this issue.

On one hand, some argue that drug use should be considered a private matter, and employers should not have the right to know about their employees' personal choices as long as their job performance is not affected. This viewpoint emphasizes privacy and individual autonomy.

On the other hand, some argue that employers have a legitimate interest in knowing about employees' drug use, especially in safety-sensitive or highly regulated industries. This perspective emphasizes the need to ensure a safe work environment and to comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

To determine where you stand on this issue, you may consider the following factors:

1. Industry and job requirements: Some industries, such as transportation, healthcare, or law enforcement, have strict regulations related to drug use due to safety concerns. In these cases, employers may argue that they have a valid reason to inquire about drug use.

2. Employee rights and privacy: Consider whether you believe that employees have a fundamental right to privacy and whether drug use should be considered a private matter that does not directly affect job performance or safety.

3. Impact on job performance: Evaluate whether you believe drug use can impact an employee's ability to perform their job effectively or pose risks to others in the workplace. This perspective might support employers' rights to know about drug use.

Ultimately, forming your own opinion based on personal values, ethical considerations, and an understanding of the specific circumstances surrounding drug use and workplace policies can help you decide where you stand on this issue.