You drive on an interstae 10 from San Antonio to Huston, half the [b]time[/b] at 55km/h and the other half at 90km/h. On the way back you travel half the [b]distance[/b] at 55km/h and the other half at 90km/h.

What is your average speed from San Antonio to Houston

What is your speed from houston to San Antonio?

c) speed for entire trip

d) What is your average velocity for the whole trip?

see the last post before this.

let d be half the distance from sananton to houston.
time= d/55 + d/90

avg speed = 2d/time

I will behappy to critique your work.

how far can sound go on for

(Broken Link Removed)

To find the average speed for the trip from San Antonio to Houston, we can use the formula:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

From the given information, we know that the distance is the same for both the outgoing and return journeys. Let's assume the total distance from San Antonio to Houston is D.

For the outgoing journey, we traveled half the time at 55 km/h and the other half at 90 km/h. So, the total time for the outgoing journey is:

Time_out = (0.5D) / 55 + (0.5D) / 90

Similarly, for the return journey, we traveled half the distance at 55 km/h and the other half at 90 km/h. So, the total time for the return journey is:

Time_return = D / 55 + D / 90

Now, we can calculate the total time for the entire trip:

Total Time = Time_out + Time_return

To find the average speed for the whole trip, we divide the total distance (2D, as we traveled the distance twice) by the total time:

Average Speed = 2D / (Total Time)

For the average speed from Houston to San Antonio, we can use the same formula but interchange the time taken for the outgoing and return journeys:

Average Speed (Return) = 2D / (Time_out + Time_return)

To find the speed for the entire trip, we can calculate the total distance divided by the total time:

Total Distance = 2D
Total Time = Time_out + Time_return

Therefore, Speed for the entire trip = Total Distance / Total Time

Finally, average velocity takes into account both distance and direction. Since the question does not provide any information about the direction of travel, we cannot determine the average velocity for the whole trip.

Regarding your question about how far sound can go, the article you mentioned states that sound can travel thousands of kilometers. However, the exact distance depends on various factors such as temperature, humidity, and the medium through which the sound is traveling. Sound travels faster through solid materials than through air, for example.