Write a number sentence for the product shown on the number line

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2

The answer i came up with is 10 Because 5 times -2 equals ten.

Please and thank-you

I'm not sure what's meant by a 'number sentence' here Bowier4. Could please explain this term. Is something missing here?
I should add that 5 times -2 equals -10, not 10.


I need to do an equation that has the same sequence as the problem, but has different numbers in the equation. Can you please put an example, as the example shown?

A number sentence is a mathematical statement that expresses a relationship between numbers using symbols such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. In this case, you are given a number line with labeled numbers from -10 to 2.

To write a number sentence for the product shown on the number line, we need to know the two numbers being multiplied. In the given number line, you have described the product as 5 times -2 equals ten, but it should actually be -10.

Therefore, the correct number sentence for this product is:

5 * -2 = -10