A country exported 60,000,000 less than it imported, creating a negative balance

...and the question is?
We know imports > exports. Therefore we have a trade imbalance of 60,000,000. On the fiscal budget for the country this would be recorded in red or with a - sign or these signs <>.

wath is a ratio

In arithmetic a ratio is when we divide one number by another to see how they compare.
Thus if we wanted to know the ratio of 10 to 12 we'd have 10/12 = 5/6
With numbers a ratio is always expressed as a fraction or decimal.
If two quantities are in whole number multiples, then we use integers. If there are 20 people in a group and 5 own a pet, then the ratio of non-pet-owners to pet-owners is 15:5 or 3 to 1.
In geometry ratio has another meaning. We use the term in comparing the parts/properties of triangles. We speak of the ratio of perimeters, areas, angles and sides.

A ratio is a mathematical comparison between two numbers or quantities. It is often expressed as a fraction or a decimal. In arithmetic, we divide one number by another to find the ratio between them. For example, if we have 10 apples and 12 oranges, the ratio of apples to oranges would be 10/12. This can be simplified to 5/6.

Ratios can also be expressed in whole numbers or fractions. For example, if there are 20 people in a group and 5 of them own a pet, the ratio of non-pet owners to pet owners would be 15:5 or 3:1. This means that for every 3 people who do not own a pet, there is 1 person who does own a pet.

In geometry, ratios can be used to compare different parts or properties of shapes, such as the ratio of the perimeters, areas, angles, or sides of triangles.