Who supported the Republican Party that was formed in 1854?

I think its Abraham Lincoln.. is this right?

A. E. Bovay is one of the principals who formed the party in 1854. The party was formed by a group of anti-slavery folks, and that in that year was the only issue that bound them.

Yes; This is correct. By the way what did the republican part tyr to do?

Yes, you are correct that Abraham Lincoln later became a prominent figure in the Republican Party. However, the party was actually formed in 1854 by a group of anti-slavery activists in response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act. One of the key individuals involved in the formation of the party was Alvan E. Bovay. While Lincoln played a significant role in the party's subsequent growth and success, he was not part of the initial formation in 1854. So, in summary, while Abraham Lincoln did support the Republican Party, he was not among the founders in 1854.