Why do non-users of performance-enhancing drugs work harder and have more dedication?

Personally I think this question is biased. Just because someone uses performance enhancing drugs doens't mean they haven't worked just as hard if not harder than someone who hasn't.

The same is true for dedication. Dedication to what? Winning? Sportmanship? The answer makes a difference.

The question is obviously fishing for an anti-drug resonse, and while that's certainly admirable I don't think the question is an honest one.

Now if you rephrased the question to say "Why might some non-users have to work harder?" then the answer becomes more clear. They have to work harder to achieve the same results that others achieve by taking performance-enhancing shortcuts (i.e. cheating).

I understand your concerns about the bias in the original question, and I agree that it is important to approach questions like this with objectivity. It is true that the use of performance-enhancing drugs does not necessarily indicate a lack of hard work or dedication.

To address the revised question, "Why might some non-users have to work harder?" it can be explained by considering the effects of performance-enhancing drugs. These substances are designed to enhance physical abilities, such as increasing strength or endurance, which can give users an advantage in achieving their goals.

When individuals do not use performance-enhancing drugs, they are competing on a level playing field without the benefits that these substances offer. As a result, non-users may have to work harder and put in more effort to reach the same level of performance as those who use drugs.

It is important to note that dedication and work ethic are not exclusive to non-users of performance-enhancing drugs. People can be equally dedicated, hardworking, and committed to achieving their goals, regardless of whether they use such substances.

In conclusion, while there may be a correlation between non-users of performance-enhancing drugs and their need to work harder, it is not a blanket statement that applies to every individual. Dedication and work ethic can be found in both users and non-users of these substances. The use of performance-enhancing drugs should be seen as a separate issue when analyzing the factors that contribute to an individual's success.