Should this be underlined when writing

Bible, The Message???


The Bible should be underlined or italicized because it's the title of a book.

If The Message is an article or a pamphlet, it needs to be in quotation marks. If it's the title of a book, it should be underlined or italicized.

The Message is a particular Bible, currently in print. It should be treated as a book, underline.

Scroll down until you find the reference to the Bible. This site shows italics, but you should underline.



Yes, in this case, both "Bible" and "The Message" should be underlined, as they are both titles of books. The general rule is to underline or italicize the titles of larger works, such as books, while using quotation marks for shorter works, such as articles or pamphlets. However, it's worth noting that style guides may have differing recommendations, so it's always a good idea to consult a specific style guide, such as the one provided by Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL) for clarification.