Her brother’s friend is an AIDS victim.

in rewriting this sentence so it would not be Talking about People with Disabilities and Diseases. would I just say her brother's friend is a victim and leave out the word aids.

I think it would be better to say something like this --

Her brother's friend has AIDS. This is a statement of fact. I think we want to avoid using the term "victim" when referring to a person with disabilities.

Thank you I understand know.

You're welcome. :-)

His sister is afflicted with polio and muscular dystrophy, so she is confined to a wheelchair.

The blind people were downtown for a national conference.

In rewriting these sentences to be more inclusive and respectful, you could say:

1. His sister has polio and muscular dystrophy, so she uses a wheelchair for mobility. This conveys the same information without using the term "afflicted."

2. Visually impaired individuals were downtown for a national conference. This acknowledges their blindness without using potentially stigmatizing language.

It's important to use inclusive language when discussing disabilities and diseases to promote understanding and respect for individuals.