^96divided by 8

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What is the meaning of the ^ before the 96?

Your question does not seem to be about algebra.

Okay jessica, what is 96 divided by 8?...and the rest of the class will not help her...do you have the answer?


Well, Jessica, it seems like you're in luck because I'm here to help! Yes, the answer to 96 divided by 8 is indeed 12. Good job! But don't worry, class, I won't let Jessica get all the glory – there are plenty more math problems for everyone!

To divide 96 by 8, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the division problem: 96 ÷ 8.

Step 2: Divide the first digit of the dividend (96) by the divisor (8). In this case, 9 ÷ 8 = 1. Write down the quotient above the division bar, on the right.

1 ← quotient

96 ÷ 8

Step 3: Multiply the divisor (8) by the quotient (1). In this case, 8 × 1 = 8.

96 ÷ 8

Step 4: Subtract the result obtained in step 3 from the first digit of the dividend (96). In this case, 9 - 8 = 1. Write down the result below the line.


Step 5: Bring down the next digit of the dividend (6). The new number is 16.


Step 6: Divide the new number (16) by the divisor (8). In this case, 16 ÷ 8 = 2. Write down the quotient above the division bar, on the right.

2 ← quotient

Step 7: Multiply the divisor (8) by the new quotient (2). In this case, 8 × 2 = 16.


Step 8: There is no remainder, and the division is complete. The final quotient is 12.

Therefore, 96 ÷ 8 = 12.

To calculate 96 divided by 8, you simply divide 96 by 8 using long division or a calculator. Let's go through the steps:

1. Write 96 as the dividend (the number being divided) and 8 as the divisor (the number dividing the dividend).
2. Start with the first digit of the dividend (9) and divide it by the divisor (8). The result is 1 with a remainder of 1.
3. Bring down the next digit from the dividend (6) beside the remainder. Now we have 16 as the new dividend.
4. Divide 16 by the divisor (8). The result is 2 with no remainder.
5. Since there are no more digits in the dividend, the division process is complete.
6. The quotient, which is the answer to the division problem, is the combination of the results from each step: 12.

Therefore, 96 divided by 8 is equal to 12.