what do you call a jack n'box in spanish? not the place to eat... but the baby's toy.

thanks for the help

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Depending upon the area where you are, here are the choices:
s. la casja de sorpresa
2) el juguete-sorpresa
3. el muñeco en una caja de resorte

oops! TYPO! 1. = la caja de sorpresa

thank you for your help!

You're welcome! In Spanish, a jack-in-the-box, the baby's toy, is called "la caja de sorpresa" or "el juguete-sorpresa." Both of these phrases are used to describe the toy where a surprise pops up when you turn the handle. Another option is "el muñeco en una caja de resorte," which literally means "the doll in a spring-loaded box." These are the commonly used terms for a jack-in-the-box in Spanish. I hope this helps!