That's gotta be a great line of clothes. Have you seen the prices and the people endorsing it? Would this fallacy be non sequitur.


That's gotta be a great line of clothes. Have you seen the prices and people endorsing it?

Is this a non sequitur fallacy or something else

Don't ignore the woman who gave birth to you, raised you, loved you , and still loves you. Rememeber your mom on mothers day.

what fallacy is this?

Blonds have more fun

blonds have more fun

Ad ignorantium

what is appeal to pity?

To determine if a statement is a non sequitur fallacy, we need to understand the definition of the fallacy itself. Non sequitur is a Latin term that translates to "it does not follow." In logic, a non sequitur fallacy occurs when there is a conclusion or inference that does not logically follow from the premises or evidence provided.

In the first example, "That's gotta be a great line of clothes. Have you seen the prices and people endorsing it?" The statement is implying that the quality of the clothes is great because of the prices and people endorsing it. However, without further information, it is not logical to conclude that high prices and popular endorsements automatically indicate great quality. Therefore, this is an example of a non sequitur fallacy.

In the second example, "Don't ignore the woman who gave birth to you, raised you, loved you, and still loves you. Remember your mom on Mother's Day." This statement is making an emotional appeal to remember and appreciate one's mother on Mother's Day. While it may not be a logical argument, it does not necessarily involve a fallacy. It is more of a sentimental statement rather than a logical one, so it wouldn't be categorized as a logical fallacy.

In the third example, "Blonds have more fun." This statement is an example of an argument from ignorance fallacy or ad ignorantium fallacy. It assumes that because there is no evidence or proof provided, the statement must be true. Without any supporting evidence, it is unreasonable to conclude that all blonds have more fun.