the function of a capacitor in an electric circuit is to? A)allow current flow between its plates. B)measure the amount of current in the circuit. C)increase circuit power. D) store electric charges.

A and D are both correct, if you include in "current flow" the concept of displacement current. But I think D is a better answer for beginning students. Capacitors store electric energy by having unlike charges on its plates.

i need to know about capacitors and interrupter

A capacitor is an electronic component that stores electrical energy in an electric field. It consists of two conductive plates separated by an insulating material called a dielectric. When a voltage is applied across the plates, the capacitor charges up, storing electric charges on its plates. The amount of charge that a capacitor can store is directly proportional to the voltage applied to it.

The function of a capacitor in an electric circuit is primarily to store and release electrical energy. It does not allow direct current (DC) to pass through it, but it allows alternating current (AC) to flow by charging and discharging in sync with the AC voltage. In this sense, option A) "allow current flow between its plates" is correct, considering that it includes the concept of AC current.

Capacitors have several practical applications in electrical circuits. Some common uses of capacitors include:

1. Energy storage: Capacitors can store electrical energy, which can be later released as needed. This property is utilized in different applications like flash photography, power supply decoupling, and energy storage systems.

2. Timing and filtering: Capacitors can be used in timing circuits, oscillators, and filters to control the rate of charge and discharge. They are commonly used in timing circuits, such as in oscillators for generating waves of specific frequencies or in RC filters for smoothing or eliminating unwanted frequencies from signals.

3. Power factor correction: Capacitors are sometimes used in power factor correction circuits to improve the efficiency and utilization of electrical power in AC systems. In such applications, capacitors are connected in parallel with inductive loads to counteract the reactive power and reduce power losses.

As for the term "interrupter," it is not specific enough to provide an accurate explanation. If you can provide more context or details about what you mean by "interrupter," I will be happy to assist you further.