3 2

----- - ------
2a -2 1 - a

5 3
----- - ------
2x - 4 2 - x

need a little understanding on these anyone?

I don't understand the second term. Is it this?

3 2
----- - ------ =
2a -2 1 - a

3 2
----- - ------ =
2(a -1) 1 - a

3 2
----- - ------ =
2(a -1) -( a-1)

3 2 3/2 +2
----- + ------ = -----------------
2(a -1) (a-1) (a-1)


Same principles on the second, get a common denominator.

oops, type, that is a 3.5 in the numerator.

Let's break down the first expression:

3 2
----- - ------
2a -2 1 - a

To simplify this expression, we need to find a common denominator for the two terms. The denominators are 2a - 2 and 1 - a. The LCM (Least Common Multiple) of these two denominators is 2(a - 1).

Now, let's rewrite the expression with the common denominator:

3 * (1 - a)
------------ - 2
2(a -1)

Now let's simplify further by applying the distributive property:

3 - 3a
------- - 2
2(a -1)

To combine the terms, we need to multiply the numerators and denominators:

(3 - 3a) - 2(1 - a)
2(a - 1)

Now distribute the -2:

3 - 3a - 2 + 2a
2(a - 1)

Combine like terms:

-3a + 2a + 3 - 2
2(a - 1)


-a + 1
(a - 1)

So the simplified expression is (-a + 1) / (a - 1).

Now let's move on to the second expression:

5 3
----- - ------
2x - 4 2 - x

Following the same steps as above, we need to find a common denominator. The denominators are 2x - 4 and 2 - x. The LCM of these two denominators is 2 - x.

Rewriting the expression with the common denominator:

5 * (2 - x)
2x - 4

Apply the distributive property:

10 - 5x
2x - 4

No further simplification is necessary for this expression.